Advent Calendar Day 23: In The Bleak Mid-Winter (Holst)

This carol is purely wishful thinking on my part.  The forecast for today is for 39°C – appallingly hot for December – and a bit of frosty wind feels as though it would be very welcome just now.  Especially as I still have to do all my Christmas baking!


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Advent Calendar Day 22: Spem in Alium (Tallis)

I have to confess that this is not exactly an Advent Carol. In fact, today was meant to be The Truth Sent From Above, but as I was looking for the King’s Singers version, I found their recording of Spem in Alium, a piece designed for eight choirs of five voices.

Since there are only six singers in The King’s Singers, I immediately had to see how they’d managed it…

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Advent Calendar Day 21: Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day (Wilcocks, who should know better)

I had such good intentions for this Advent Calendar, truly I did.  I thought it would be nice to share with you some of the more beautiful Advent music out there, and I have.  But this is Friday, which means that even beautiful music must have an edge of silliness to it.

This is another medieval carol, and it’s actually very gorgeous both in lyrics and tune and I really love it.  And this arrangement is spectacular.

There’s just one little problem with it: it has an orgasmic alto line.

No, really.  I can’t listen to this one without giggling, no matter how good my intentions.  It’s fairly absurd even if one doesn’t have a dirty mind, but if one does, oh dear.  See (or rather, hear) for yourself.


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Advent Calendar Day 19: Carol of the Birds (James Wheeler)

After all the sad and contemplative carols of the last few days, I thought we deserved something cheerful.  But what?  I was sort of tempted by Masters in this Hall, an old favourite of mine, but it’s kind of terrible, as even I have to admit (I love it, but it so easily turns into a pub song).  And I thought about For Unto Us a Child Is Born, but we already did Handel, so that’s no good..

So then I thought that we are probably about due for an Australian Carol.  Which is why we’ve ended up with a Catalan one… No.  No we haven’t.  Though there is a Catalan Carol of the Birds too, and it’s fairly gorgeous.  I recommend giving it a listen.

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Advent Calendar Day 17: O Come, O Come Emmanuel

We had our Carol Service at Christ Church today, which means I am feeling thoroughly descanted, always a pleasing feeling, and in a mellow sort of mood.  And also as though Christmas really is close, which is definitely where this music fits…

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Advent Calendar Day 16: Gaudete! (Trad., sung by Mediaeval Baebes)

Today is Gaudete Sunday (Gaudete is Latin for “Rejoice”), which is notable for the fact that the liturgical colour is Rose, which means priests in pink vestments and great swathes of hot pink fabric draped over the purple that was covering the cross at the Catholic church I sometimes sing at.

This is clearly a reason to rejoice, and who better to rejoice with than the Mediaeval Baebes?

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Advent Calendar Day 14: Jingle Bells Meets Tchaikovsky (Beres)

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for some silliness, and this is kind of impressively silly.  And also brilliant.  Though I imagine Tchaikovsky is spinning in his grave right now…


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