About Me

CatherineProfIt’s so very tempting to make a soprano joke here, because, you know, I’m a soprano (when I’m not a mezzo… it’s complicated), so it’s obviously all about me.

Still, this is my website, so that probably makes it acceptable.

As is probably evident from this website, I’m a singer.  Actually, by day I am a Scientific Co-Ordinator in a medical research institute in Melbourne, but by night – and by weekend – I sing in as many choirs as I can, study singing whenever I have five spare minutes, run a choir at work, and perform as a soloist anywhere they will let me.  Mostly, that turns out to be at weddings and funerals, though this involves more variety than you might think – I’ve sung Billy Joel à cappella, Rutter with a Scottish ceilidh band, and more liturgical music than you can possibly imagine, accompanied by piano, harp, organ or backing CD, and even Rossini’s Cat Duet.  Right now, I am completely obsessed with Bach and am working my way through learning all the alto solos in his many oratorios.  I predict that this project will keep me busy for quite some time.

My background has largely been in church music and oratorio, with an emphasis on polyphony and baroque music, sudden-death sight-reading, and the sort of solos originally written for male alto, but I’ve recently discovered opera – and high soprano notes – and there’s no turning back from that…

This blog, then, will be part musical CV, part repository for recordings I have made or been part of, and part a chance to share some of the music I love.  And yes, it’s also part advertising – I love singing, and would like to do more professional work in this area, so if you live in or near Melbourne and are in need of a singer for an event, drop me an email. I’d love to hear from you.

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Yosh Miyagi says:

    I have been looking for what this “Teleman’s Aria.” could be and listening to the Magnificat (Limbourg-Telemann) uploaded onto YouTube you mentioned 2012 for these past three weeks. Fortunate that I ran into your blog site after several weak explanations posted elsewhere by others to my questions. You answered them all. Thank you very much. Yes, I, too, wonder what the language is used to record the YouTube upload,

  2. Catherine says:

    Welcome! I’m glad you’ve found my blog useful. As for that Telemann, it’s all a bit mysterious, really! I spent literally days listening to Telemann Magnificat recordings (not helped by the fact that he has a Latin one as well as this German one), and I think the only reason I found it at all was because a friend of mine made a remark that this version didn’t sound at all like the tenor version she is used to… which at least gave me another data point to look at!

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


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