Advent Calendar Day 15: Hear my prayer O Lord (Purcell)

I was going to do another Magnificat, this one by Purcell, but I felt that after yesterday’s appalling contribution to Advent, a bit of penitence was in order.

[youtube=]I don’t repent of this music, though.  It’s wonderful – I haven’t heard it before (I was actually looking for a version of the Magnificat when I ran across it), and I love the way it builds from quiet sadness to this incredible, almost painful intensity at the end. It works both musically and on the level of a prayer, and I suspect it’s one of those pieces that *makes* you believe it while you are singing it.

Which is a lot to fit into two minutes of music.

One thought on “Advent Calendar Day 15: Hear my prayer O Lord (Purcell)

  1. […] benighted soul had set Jingle Bells to several of the tunes from the Nutcracker. And yesterday, we finished the week with some penitential Purcell.And now I must dive back into my world of sugar syrup for another week – I look forward to […]

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